Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm grateful..

I'm grateful that Janine is better. How do I know she is still doing well on only 10 mg of Pred? She got into a fight with Teddy and none of her boo-boos ended up bleeding all night or swelling into giant hematomas. (Teddy is limping.)

I'm grateful that the Imuran is working for her and that she can get off Prednisone.

I'm grateful that I can afford to pay for her care.

I'm grateful that she has become a snuggle bunny in the last month. I don't know if it was being sick or being gone for three days or just finding out, when she wasn't feeling well, that cuddling was nice, but she used to be a very independent girl and now she likes to cuddle more.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Good news

After eleven days on half as much Pred, Janine's numbers are good. Platelets are normal, PCV is normal, ALT is normal, WBC is normal. RBC is a bit under normal but that may be the vet's office's machine. So we are going to try cutting to half again, which puts her (19.6 lbs) at 10 mg a day, still a healthy dose of Pred. She'll stay on the same dose of Azothiaprine for now.

Maybe we can make some inroads on that muscle loss and potbelly!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Effects of Prednisone

Janine is still doing well but you can see she is getting the Pred potbelly, poor girl! We will be trying to reduce the dose soon and hopefully that will diminish somewhat. She has always had such a sleek figure.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A new cuddlebug?

I don't know if Janine just doesn't feel so good or has gotten to like it, but she is turning into a cuddle bug. She has never been one to come cuddle so this is new and very nice. She has always liked hugs from anybody but then was very independent and doing her own thing outside or at the door. Now she likes to snuggle up with me.

I noticed the vet's office clipped her nails. I'm glad they are cut but not too happy that they did it before they knew her platelets were up, and that they did it without asking me. But it does save me from Dremeling them this weekend so I guess its a toss-up.