Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vet visit 3/12/09

Janine's bloodwork is better than last time- ALT a bit elevated but near normal (Says liver is better) and blood count (red) back nearer normal and platelets back into normal. We did another fecal to send off to recheck giardia. It's a good sign things went back closer to normal but no idea why they were lower last time. My vet wonders about a systemic reaction to the giardia but I had googled that already and not found much indicating platelets could go as low as hers did, and the other vet there didn't think so, either.

So she is still on the same meds pending results of the giardia test. She has a bad pocket on one tooth that needs treating but he didn't want to do anything until we see where she is going with giardia and bloodwork. If she ends up needing a bone marrow biopsy she can get the dental work at the same time.

Janine already hates the car and now she isn't too fond of the vet, either.

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