Friday, April 24, 2009

Some good news

Janine needed some good news, and recently her DM (degenerative myelopathy) test came in. For Janine this may not be relevant, as she may not survive to the age (8-15) when Pembroke Welsh corgis start showing symptoms of DM, but it is good news all the same.

DM Received: 03/25/2009
Processed: 03/27/2009
Test: Degenerative Myelopathy
Results: CARRIER (Heterozygous A/N, Carrier)

Being a carrier may not sound so good, but the genes ( a recessive gene) for DM are very prevalent in Pembroke Welsh corgis, so Carrier status, which means Janine cannot get DM, is wonderful news. A pet dog which is a carrier is no problem whatsoever. A breeding corgi that is a carrier means the breeder needs to be careful selecting a mate. The only breedings that cannot produce a puppy At Risk for DM are breedings to Clear (one parent must be Clear.) However, breeding of Carrier to Carrier would still potentially reduce the number of At Risk dogs in the Pembroke population.

A dog that is At Risk may not get DM. But if you are buying a corgi you should get full disclosure from the breeder about testing and the status of the pup, and if you opt to buy one that has tested "At Risk" (or has not been tested) you should be aware of the possibility that your puppy could develop this disease in late middle age. (As early as 8 if he is a corgi.) Until July 2008 breeders could not test, but they can now, so if they tell you they don't, or they don't need to, run as fast as you can away from that breeder! (Or at the very least insist on having the puppy tested- and the results OFA published- before buying it.) If you need help finding a breeder who does test for DM let me know and I can steer you in the right direction.

1 comment:

susan6953 said...

I'm glad Janine won't get DM.
It seems like she is going to get to chase bunnies again this summer.